Sunday, December 26, 2010

Post headline shows Vick being chased by Giants with dog heads

At some point, dogs won't be the first thing that headline writers think about when titling an article about Michael Vick. Thankfully, that day has yet to come.

This is the front page from Monday's edition of The New York Post:

Usually it's dogs running from Vick, but I get what they were going for. Take some time to appreciate the craftsmanship that went into Photoshopping those heads on and, while you're at it, savor the many levels with which the sight gag works. It's the second time in four days that the Post has made a cross-breed of humans and animals. On Friday, the newspaper put LeBron James' head on a chicken.

If the cover with the headline and photo wasn't bitter enough, also notice how there's no credit given to the Eagles for the comeback victory. Reading the Post's cover, you'd think it was a complete meltdown by the Giants and had nothing to do with Vick and DeSean Jackson's heroics. It's a quintessential blend of New York snark, defiance and delusion. (The back page was a bit more tame.)

But don't complain, Philadelphians. Your city's newspapers have been even worse with the dog-related puns about Vick. 

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