Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Here comes the Tim Te-book: Tebow is writing a memoir

I'm pretty sure this will be the first time an NFL quarterback has started writing a book before throwing an NFL pass, but that's Tim Tebow for you. The man blazes his own trail.

HarperCollins announced Monday that Tebow is working on a book called "Through My Eyes." That is, I believe, a shortened version of the original title, "Through My Eyes, I May Eventually See an NFL Receiver and Throw Him a Football, But Right Now, No One Will Let Me Do That."

I kid. Tebow's only 23, which is pretty young for a memoir, but he's packed a lot of life into those 23 years. Tebow was born to Christian missionaries in the Philippines, homeschooled in Florida, one of the most sought-after high school recruits ever, a two-time BCS Champion, a Heisman trophy winner, part of a controversial Super Bowl ad and, as some see him, an important political and religious voice in America.

Few athletes have ever been as beloved (and, on the flip side, resented) as Tebow. So yeah, maybe he's young, but he's got a unique perspective and has seen things in life that most of us haven't. Certainly, there have been worse reasons to publish books.

And, as is the ultimate goal with any book, it will sell. It will appeal to Broncos fans, Florida Gators fans, Catholicism fans, and the legions of super-dedicated TebowManiacs out there. A lot of people are interested in what he has to say. That's why books get made.

You can pre-order Tebow's opus at

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